June 20, 2011


I think it's safe to say boys are all I've been shooting here in Cali, but I don't mind I love it. haha his expression is hilarious. and i love how he wore this shirt half the trip. and his glasses and patch? too cute. I'm obsessed with this one he's my best friend. *knock knock "Kasandra are you in here? time to come play!!" every three minutes. love it.


Cutest boy. I just love him. White babies I know I know, but I love him too much.  and they're all i've been playing with here in California so. you know. I like him and his hat and his schnozz and his eyes and his laugh. little Sam.


Look out! This is one rare moment where this boy is standing still. He's usually all over the place. But I had to catch it. I love his eye contact, his placement the frame, and actually I like his stance. Like he's about to pounce. Haha or something. hmmmmmmm