May 28, 2009

Final Project Journal

I loved my project!! I thought of the idea even before I started photo this year so I really enjoyed shooting. I loved finding different circles out of all kinds of things. I shot pots, candles, decorations, fences, mouths, eyes, steering wheels; all kinds of things!! It was easy because there were circles all over; I didn't have to search too long or too hard before I found one. The challenge was symbolizing the meaning of my circles. I was trying to symbolize the cycle of time and how, like a circle, it's never ending. I didn't do very well showing this meaning in my prints; if someone looked at them I doubt time would even cross their minds. But personally, I sense time there. My circles aren't all perfect. My sisters mouth isn't symmetrical, there are flaws. Well I kind of think this represents life. Not everything always works out as planned; as humans we come across barriers in our plans, where we make mistakes or go through trials. I see this told in my circles. This is the first assignment that I have actually been pleased with. I love my diversity between the ring, the fence and the mouth; they have absolutely nothing in common except their geometrical shape. Circles are so common, and that's not something people automatically recognize. That's why I love my project because it brings circles to the viewers attention. The other challenge was making each image unique. I love the diversity between my prints not only in the subject, but the angle the circle is looked at. I love the perfectly symmetrical muffin print looked at straight on, in comparison to the angle of the fence. I'm just so pleased!! Their a little dusty, and not perfect, but I'm finally happy with my work. Even the lighting and more technical points of my project I'm happy with. For instance, the ketchup one, I love the shadows :) The peace ring was taken in the same place, and the shadow showing the peace sign too is all due to the angle the light hits the table and object. I love the composition of my muffin too because even without seeing the person's expression, you get a feeling of what she is thinking. My color contrast of the gate is probably the best one of the bunch as far as color goes if I remember correctly. I loved my classmates work also. Every single one of them were so different but incredible, yet all related by one subject, time. I truly enjoyed this class and can't wait to start working next year!

May 13, 2009


I'm a bit frightened for this assignment. It sounds interesting but I'm afraid I'll getthe exposures all wrong. I'll use a tripod and try super hard, but I don't know if it will turn out. Also I don't really know what to shoot. Maybe water with the reflection of the moon in the puddle. Probably lots of objects just showing thier shadows to prove that it's night. I'm scared.

This assignment was the worst of all. It was an intruiging idea, but it didn't work out for me. I went outside to my front yard and found nothing to shoot. I tried a few but they were blurry due to camera shake and two slow of an apature. There were no puddles. I wasn't really capable of going anywhere else, so I'm disappointed in this roll. I love my colleague's work, and the favorite of mine is either the candle with the background of a brick wall, or my rocking chair with the night sky in the background but enough light from the inside window so it's completely in focus-- the apature was fine. I wish I could redo this assignment.