September 11, 2009


In June I went over to Europe. TWAS GREAT!! Truly, I loved it. I enjoyed London...


and Denmark.

I didn't have a favorite place. They were alllllll amazing. I'll never forget that experience!! I could talk about it for hours.. but I'm sure you'd rather not read it here. We'll chat later. Part of the greatness was.. I bought myself a camera!! I hurried to get it specifically for my trip, but with the expectation I'd be using it in the fall. Yesssssssssssssssss. It changed the trip for me, and made it a million times better. I'm so happy I could capture all my favorite moments. In addition to family fun memories, I also did artistic photos (obviously). I love them all, and I'm planning on blowing them up on canvas and displaying them around the house. PRFCT

I also went to Lake Powell with my best friends. Best trip of my life. I am a senior. Tubing and jetskiing alllll day long:) sunburns, bruises from the tube, LOST, wheat THICKS, cliff jumping, best friends, greatness.

I also worked at a pool.

Played volleyball.

The end.