Print toning.
Luckily, I chose a fun shot that I enjoyed looking at in different tones. It was a Campbell's soup can, and looked good in almost all of the different tones. I really liked to be able to edit the color specifically, something I had only been able to do digitally until now. My favorites were the warm-tone prints in both brown/copper and split tone selenium and sepia. They were slightly brown, and had a slight, unexaggerated, subtle antique look. I liked this a lot. The sepia was definitely my least favorite. Both warm tone and neutral just looked so unnatural. Too yellow. Combined with the selenium though, it looked quite nice. I did an extra print that I only bleached, something I experimented with while trying sepia. It looked awesome, so I'm glad sepia was required. I didn't particularly like nor dislike the neutral selenium. It looked fine, but I didn't like the purple tint. The neutral brown/copper was pretty good, but the difference between that and the reference wasn't apparent enough to be noticed. This didn't go as well for me as it might've with others, but I'd definitely like to continue experimenting with toning.
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