I liked this assignment. I learned quite a bit. I might reshoot quite a few of these to get them spot on, but I'm still pretty pleased with the outcome. I'd like to continue to experiment with panoramas the rest of my photographer life!

This is probably my favorite. I like how it's basically symmetrical, I even like the interrupting "car open" sign that's on. I might try to reshoot it and frame it with the steering wheel with the original shot, but for now I think it's pretty good.

I like this one too. It kind of portrays Waterford:) I like the background of my skirt. I only wish it was all in focus, but otherwise I think it's kinda funny.

I like this one too. It kind of portrays Waterford:) I like the background of my skirt. I only wish it was all in focus, but otherwise I think it's kinda funny.