April 14, 2010

Film Assignment 5 Journal

This assignment didn't go as smoothly as I would've wished. Shooting was tough because, since it was an overcast day, all of my light was very soft. This makes it hard to capture hard contrast. Most of my images were pretty grey to begin with, and I had trouble showing a huge difference between my high and low contrasted images. My best pair was probably the door handle. This one was a 2 1/2 filter against a 4 filter. I wish I would've done this with all three pairs, but the others are only 2 1/2 to 3 1/2. The chair handle and the hole in the fence--both images are very similar to each other. Instead of high contrast and low contrast, it mostly looks like dark and light. If I could redo this assignment, I'd do a 4 filter instead of a 3 1/2. I was trying to use the same time in both images, which is why I stuck with 3 1/2. I am not pleased, but I'll do better next time.