heeheehee. The light is pretty. This is a lobster. I like its expression. :)

Meh, I don't love this. But the focus is cool, the bag is cute, and the colors are complimentary.
Cliche. Okay though, because the color is so AWESOME and opposite. I did hardly any editing on the color. The sun amazes me.
My single analogous shot. I like it cause I like orange, pumpkins, brown, socks, and autumn.

This was sweet; I just stumbled upon it on the road. Very red and green. Fate. 6:30 sunset light=heaven. I like the tar. I like how the brown leaves make the red one scream even more.
Cute tacky bag that's cute. Cute socks. Blue and orange. Yessssssss. I like this. I like the light. I like that Slade likes this. I like the materialistic objects. Cute.
My boots:) I love them. Crayons. Original I'd say.. sort of. I like it.

Puuuurrrrty light. Interesting placement. Intruiging adjective before blue.

LOVE this. Because these colors aren't on the color wheel, but they're still complimentary. I figured out the opposite of pink(which is in between red and purple) is in between green and yellow. The name on the crayon was on purpose; so you know that they are complimentary.
I like this. I like her eyes in it. Cute accessories eh? I liked it not so cropped where I could see her face and hair. I don't like that blinding white spot in the window. bleh.

Puuuurrrrty light. Interesting placement. Intruiging adjective before blue.

LOVE this. Because these colors aren't on the color wheel, but they're still complimentary. I figured out the opposite of pink(which is in between red and purple) is in between green and yellow. The name on the crayon was on purpose; so you know that they are complimentary.
I like this. I like her eyes in it. Cute accessories eh? I liked it not so cropped where I could see her face and hair. I don't like that blinding white spot in the window. bleh.