I learned a lot from this assignment. For starters, I learned what a portrait is. It is not simply a photograph of a person, but it tells a story. Eye contact from your subject is an ingredient that is not required, but it adds a whole lot to the story. This engagement, or lack of it can tell the viewer all about this person's attitude and outlook on life. Both the position and expression of the subject is what makes the portrait. A distracting background is something to aviod-- it draws attention away from your subject. Of course if it is helping to tell the story, everything must be placed precisely in the right spot. Composition in not only portraits but in every photograph. Patience is required when photographing people, also great light. When photographing a stationary object, it's easy to simply adjust the shutter speed, because it doesn't constantly move. If you avoid camera shake, the photo won't be blurry. But with people, there is no room for procrastination. People can't naturally sit still the way objects can, so with a slow shutter speed, there is sure to be some blur. When you have great light, the shutter speed can be fast so the photo can be completely in focus. Perfect light also captures the correct tone of the skin, which is key. Though they are much harder than objects, I love photographing people. The images are so much easier for the viewer to relate to. My favorite image is the one of Chander, the first image. The light is perfect, the shadows showing what she looks like on a daily basis. Her engagement, and eye contact with me shows her confidence as a person. Her smile shows me her optimism. That's the story I get from that portrait, I can see her positive outlook on life. I also like the one of Sydney; the second one. It is a bit blurry which is why it isn't my favorite, but I love her expression. It tells me what a happy person she is, that she chews on bobby pins when she's bored, and that she isn't afraid to be who she is. The one of Chandler in the puddle can be argued as not a portrait. Most seem to think it isn't, but I still see it as one. It's telling me a story. Chandler is having a childish day filled with discovery and naivty. Simply playing in the rain with no hint of stress in her actions. I like it. The one of my mother tells you that either she has a lot on her mind, or that she is tired of her photoshoot and wants to go to bed. I loved this assignment, and I am pleased with the outcome. I love all of my classmates work too-- portraits just may be my favorite photographs over all. I love photoshop. It never ceases to make my day.