Dreadfully overexposed.. but I think it's kind of pretty the way it is :)
Dreadfully underexposed.. not that great.

Perfection!! Not really.. but greatest out of my bracketing.
I learned a lot about bracketing today. I discovered that my eyes are very very talented and are simply incredible in seeing detail in comparison to my $130 camera :) but it's okay, because we're going to "cheat" the dynamic range and make it grrrrrrreat. like frosted flakes.
It's grrrrreat! I love frosted flakes! I also like flowers.
hey. um. i can hear your voice with your words. but please make your pictures bigger. How young do you think i am? (i can't see them).
hahaha kay. maybe. if you're lucky.
the over exposed one still looks cool... the way you can just see the petals.
ah! that's what i said too. thank you thank you thank you!! i stood up for this poor overexposed photo and no one else would back me up. so thank you Meghan!!!!
i like the way over exposed one too!
over exposed rules my photo life!!! i mean woot go over exposed!
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